>From:    Jadesun <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Any ferrets out there who are music Fanatics?
>Ok we are all ferret fanatics, but how many have ferrets that are music
I do, I do!!  My pair don't like to just listen to music, they like to make
it!  When they come out to play, my 3-yr-old daughter's toy plastic guitar
is very popular.  They both have to play it (then Tracy climbs inside it).
They also love all my daughter's toys that make music.  She has a "radio"
that plays "Where is Thumbkin" and a merry-go-round that plays  "It's a
Small World" Both play music in that high music box kind of music.  The
ferrets are spellbound when the music plays.  Then the toys are hauled off
and the ferrets try (futilely) to pull them under the couch.
Kim and The Dynamic Duo
[Posted in FML issue 2406]