In response to Ryan Seaton's question on freestanting hammocks, when BIG
put out his list, there was a lady who was making the free standing
hammocks in two different styles out of pcv pipe where she had drilling in
hooks to hold the hammock, they were adorable.  I don't have the web site
where you can view them but her address is Peggy at [log in to unmask]
She was having a little medical problem and as soon as she is on her feet,
I intend to order one since I felt her price was reasonable for all the
effort it takes to make one.
Millie and her cleaninge crew
Easy Off: the most perfect ferret in the whole wide world
Ammonia:  No Grandma, she's not poised as a model on a pillow, her legs
are spraddled, her frontend draps off the end, her tongue is hanging out
If she'd cross her eyes, then she might be perfect
Cascade:  the Observer, I've read the whole American Constitution and no
where does it address the right NOT to be kissed
Ajax:  yet to come  Why the frantic exercise program Mama, I'm gonna go
live with them shortly.
[Posted in FML issue 2405]