Here are a few more of those funny,well silly,terms.
Hob Rob-how the hob got that extra raisin.
Hob Mob-more than one hob.Quick,hide the raisins.
Hob Snob-a hob from a rich family.Just kidding,it's a hob that ignores all
attempts to get him to play.
Hob Job-we all know what that is.
Gib Sib-the sister or brother of the gib.
Gib Sob-no,not SOB.What the gib does when the hob robs.
Sprite Height-what the sprite attains when climbing for the treat jar.
Now that that's over,I just heard from my brother.He lives in NC,is a vet
and,yes it's true,has three ferrets.Ooooh,spooky.Now if it turns out that he
has 2 gibs,and 1 sprite,then I'll ask the colors.If those match,I'm going to
work for the ferret psychic network.I predict that Ca. will no longer be a
FFZ,and those idiots in Utah will get the maximum allowed.Hey,I can hope.
Sandy(what's that?)
Valentine (Umm,I found it in the garbage.)
Jasmine (eeewww.)
Taz (What,what.)
[Posted in FML issue 2404]