hello all
*hoppes on my soap box* hehehe I had to
ok TannieMani thanks for the biting advice it works!
as for pet stores -- I have been to alot around my area and I can say when
I bought Vinyl he was in an aquarium(sp) with 3-4 others -- wasnt to keen
on that one
I have seen about 10ish kits in a cage with not levels just ramps(a 2
story) -- these lil guys bite and smell very bad -- I think pet stores
really need to clean up their acts if they want to sell ferrets or any
kinds of animals --
As for cages or not -- Mine have to be in a cage I have way too much
electrical toys and wires around -- YES my room is ferret proof but still
the get them -- I have found the mouse on the floor many of times..... Mine
are in the cage at least 8-10 hours a day but they do spend ample time
outside the cage as well to get their exercise and until I can really
ferret proof the room Angel being as lil as he is is in the cage a bit more
then usual -- I dont want to lose him!!!!
TEATS -- I use ferret treats you can buy at the pet store -- chicken is a
fav!  I hate rasins so I dont know if I would buy them to give to my Angel
Vinyl use to eat french fries
ok im off I think
Jena & Angel
[Posted in FML issue 2404]