Hello everyone.  I've been away from the FML for quite a while so I'd like
to reintroduce myself before I make my comment.  My name is Melissa and I am
the devoted caretaker of three ferrets: Kili, Bumblebee, and our new guy,
Seymore.  I recently moved back to the northeast from North Carolina so I
found the discussion on Southern humor quite amusing.  :)
My comment, however, concerns rough play with ferrets.
Maggie Mae wrote:
>It also means that I tend to play with ferrets in a way that most would
>consider pretty rough.  And since the play I initiate is rough, they are
>allowed to play rough with me.
It's a relief to see someone admit that publicly!  I also play roughly
with my ferrets, sometimes resulting in nips and scratches.  And, as with
Maggie's ferrets, mine are well aware that a loud yelp means they've gone
too far.
The trade-off is that I cannot allow just anyone to handle them.  They are
not friendly representatives of the ferret world: they are my pets.  This
means caging them when guests come over and not allowing strangers to pick
them up when I take them for walks.
They are sweet little beasties but I've come to accept the fact that I can't
tell people that they definitely do not bite.
[Posted in FML issue 2388]