'The Rude One' is gonna coment here and it may not be pretty to some.
As much as I dislike Ed Lipinski's posts, overall, I find myself questioning
a post in last night's FML.
Judy Moon stated "We were appalled that ferrets given up for adoption were
being bred."
What I have a problem with is: Where are all these 'whole' ferrets coming
from that Ed Lipinski has?  Yes, yes...there are a LOT of ferrets given up,
but I would hazard a guess that better than 95% are neutered.  (Please note
the word, 'guess') I suspect that the pregnant females in Mr. Lipinski's
shelter are NOT rescues or given up for adoption.  Where they came from,
I have no idea, but the numbers don't match with what I see in the local
ferret community, and we are really no different than any other area.
For once, it seems, I will be curious to see Mr. Lipinski's response, as I
am sure he will.
MC  (The Rude One)
[Posted in FML issue 2403]