>From:    Leslie Miller <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Ferret Bite
>I have a biter.  He's a 13 week old Cinnamon named Daggett.  He loves to
>play with us, but he sometimes bites REALLY hard (He usually goes for
>elbows, the fleshy inside part of the arm and ankles.) Last week he got me
>good on the inside of my arm and drew blood.
Hi Leslie,
I also have 2-13 week old girls that still bite at times, as well as 3-9
week old kits that think biting is what life is all about.
I have been using a simple trick that makes them let go and does not hurt
them at all.  When either one is trying to bite, gently push down on their
front bottom teeth, just enough to make it uncomfortable, and they will
let go instantly.  These two girls (no names yet, my family can't agree on
anything yet) have learned with mom, hey we can't do that.  However, when
dad is laying in front of the TV..they decide to attack him from behind.  It
is so funny to watch...they will sneak under the chair, and come at him from
underneith...and just jump on him and bite.  Dad has learned to have eyes in
the back of his head for the time being.  He will just pick them up and toss
them on the couch (1 foot away, if that far), just for them to go right back
and do it again.  It is an endless game between them.
As for the 3-9week olds...well they are leaving bruises on each other.  I
use the same method when I play with them, and again they let go as soon
as I push down on their bottom teeth.  None have drawn blood on me as I am
consistant, but with dad that's another story.  He lets them get away with
too much.
We have one other biter, but she only does that to my 13 yr old son.  She
is his ferret and always has and still does will kiss his arms, face,
neck..then chomp... Marge has never done that to anyone else besides Niky.
Poor kid, we keep telling him Marge only does that because u taste sooo
goood:)))).  she does not draw blood, will only chump down enough so it
hurts and it buggs Niky that she will only do that to him.
I also told someone else about this method..and when she took her 3 babies
home used it with the same success.  Whats nice it doesn't take a long time
for them to learn at all.
Just from my experience...
Mini and her gang of now 11 (Ferret Math at work:)))) )
PS hey Jodi u were right...just had to keep these two special girls:))))
now how did u know that weeks ago????
[Posted in FML issue 2402]