well to all of you my dearest friends
and to all that haven't heard the news.
Well this week has been like the trip of the Minnow, a three hours tour that
just wont quit.  On tuesday afternoon at 2:45 i was going in to the ferret
room.  as i stepped over the wall i was mugged by 6 carpet sharks as usual
un fortunately some one got under foot pretty well and tripped me up as i
stepped down with my right foot of balance i found a little one a sleep in
her sleep sack that caught most of my weight..  not hearing anything break i
saw something start to move out of the sleep sack but couldn't get all the
way out.  as i pulled Raven out of the sack she was limp but still breathing
but very very labored and slow.
in the next 5 mins i managed to find a vet 22 miles a way.  he had never
seen a ferret be for but but was recommended by a ferret vet that is 35
mins away.  with my concerns of internal hemorrhaging and lug damage i just
wanted any one to open her up and fix any thing i had ripped... i.e..
spline or intestines.  well i managed to get some one to hold her and made
the 22 miles in 12 mins.. at a 120 mph joe was trying to put on his seat
belt.  i told him it wouldn't help at this speed... he believed me and just
puckered up.  well first their was no internal bleeding.  and didn't look
like any broken bones just the shock.
well by the time we left the vet she was a little more alert and by 10 that
night was up and moving around but went to sleep in the middle of the floor
and stayed their all night.  by am her breathing had not improved so she
when to the ferret vet that morning.  they took new x-rays and she had
pneumonia and a broken pelvis.  she was purple (not black and blue but
bright purple) from her hind legs to her sternum and almost from one side
of the spine to the other.  the worst thing i had ever seen an a little
one.  she spent the night in a incubator on 100% oxygen.
she came home Thursday and seams do be doing much better tonight.  she goes
back monday for more x-rays she is vet badly bruised and is resting most all
the time but today her breathing has improved.  she still isn't eating much
but she is eating all the nutracal she wants.  i let her out for a hour to
night and she acted like a normal ferret... just in slow motion.
to every one around the country that has called and send e-mail thank you so
very much.  i have been beating my self up thought this week and i coulndt
have done it with out some of you.... i will keep every one posted on how
she is doing.....
thanks again
[Posted in FML issue 2402]