I've been lurking for quite some time and I have recently become owned by
two fabulous ferrets, Toby and Bandit...other than bending me to their furry
will, they've just been adjusting to being in my apt and trying to do things
to get me in trouble--my current apt doenst' allow pets(i'm moving in a
month)--like squeezing behind the blinds and looking at all the people
walking by.  So far I've managed to bathe them (they learned how to get out
of the tub in about five minutes) and I've cut a few nails(but they don't
approve of this so I didn't get very far.  I'd like to litter train them, so
anyone with any tips on that or any other stuff a new ferret owner should
know, you can email me at [log in to unmask]
I'd like to thank Larissa for letting me be owned by the ferrets...I hope
everything works out for you...toby and bandit send kisses...
[Posted in FML issue 2369]