Hello all!
Does anyone know of a catalog or a chain that sells ferret trail pieces?
Fidget recieved two pieces for Easter and he really loves them, but we
can't find any more.
We tried dryer hose, but it took him approximately 3 minutes to decide to
eat it.  Rats.  We like the ferret trail because we can see where he is and
since it can be broken down is a little easier to store than the corregated
pipe in the event that we actually have guests who want to be able to walk
around the house :-)
chris and Fidget, the WVU weasel
ps.  Fidget finally got his shedding right while on "vacation" I went to
pick him up and he had gotten rid of his fluffy undercoat and was very dark.
Heheh, then my grandma found all the fur he shed...she didn't think such a
small little guy could have soo much fur!
[Posted in FML issue 2369]