Some various ferret media I've spotted in the past few days:
1.  I'm not sure how this will eventually portray ferrets, but the Los
Angeles Times is running a serial piece online and in its Life & Style
section called "Destiny's Chastity - A Story of Summer Love (and Other
Stuff as We Think of It."  The first chapter revolves around Destiny
searching for ferret chow for her ferret Suzy & discussing with a friend
how to meet Mr. Right.
The story is based in California, and she's "Looking for some some food for
my--ah--small, furry animal that kind of eats sort of what cats eat."  I
found the story on the web site, although they say that it can
be found at  I would hope that since the ferret is her
beloved pet that it wil be portrayed in a pro-ferret manner.
2.  On the June 30 PetLine show on the Animal Planet channel they featured
a segment on ferrets.  *Unrelated* to the caller's question, the hosts felt
it was important to point out that ferrets are illegal in California and
Hawaii because they pose a danger to the native wildlife.
3.  TFH publications just came out with an issue of their _Fuzzy Creatures
Quarterly_ covering Keeping Ferrets.  While the book devotes an entire
chapter to breeding, it has 4 sentences devoted to ear cleaning and nail
trimming.  It also contains the wonderful sentence (page 10) "Once a ferret
has become used to the easy pickings on a farm, it can become a source of
considerable damage to the poultry farmer - made the more of a problem
because the ferret is able to gain entry via holes that would not allow a
fox to enter."
I don't know how some of these people get such an attitude against ferrets.
No matter how many times Knuks poops next to the kitchen doorway, I still
manage to say pro-ferret things.
- Eric
Modern Ferret Magazine - For ferret owners. By ferret owners.
Mary & Eric Shefferman & the Slinky Seven:
Sabrina, Ralph, Marshmallow, Knuks, Trixie, Bosco da Gama, and Balthazar
[Posted in FML issue 2357]