To Margit:
I had a similar experience with my very first ferret back in 87 - my dog (he
no longer lives with me) grabbed my Mickey by the neck and shook him like a
rag - banging his head against the door frame.  Several weeks later, Mickey
developed a lump on his head that was growing up (like a cone head).  X-rays
revealed it was a growth that appeared separate from the skull and was
growing up and out, not down and into the brain.
The vet did surgery, and it apparently just popped out quite easily.  So
Mickey went in looking like a conehead and came out looking like Kojak.
He recovered nicely, and never had any further problems.
Pathology revealed nothing more than bone tissue - no cancer, nothing weird,
so we assumed it was from having his head slammed up against the wall.
Debbie Riccio
WNYFLFA, President
Rochester, NY
[Posted in FML issue 2357]