Well, I now only 16 FML issues behind.  So I should be caught up my
October :-)
I have had a lot of different items come up in the past few weeks that have
really taken up my time.  If anyone has asked me for anything on the FML
please send me a direct e-mail and I will get back to you.
If anyone wants the letter from Dr. Gates about his studies and treatment
on ECE sent to them personally, just send me a e-mail and I will be happy
to send it to you.  Please specify what format you prefer (Word Perfect,
Microsoft Word, etc.).
I hope all of you can forgive me for not getting Buddy's Story finished.  I
will start posting it again from the start.  I am not sure as to how
frequently I can post each part.  It really depends on whether I can find a
place to connect my laptop up or not, and also how fast I can work through
writters block when it hits.
Sammy is doing well except for the fact that he is losing his coat.  I am
afraid that his right adrenal has become cancerous.  I will continue to hope
that he is just changing his coat for the summer, but he has the red rash
again on parts of his body.  That is sometimes a symptom of adrenal disease.
I will continue to hope for the best.
Dooks to all!
Jason, Sammy, Doris, and Buddy
ICQ # 7528859 (Sammy's Dad)
ICQ - www.icq.com
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2367]