>From:    "Ferret Aid Society..." <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Another FerVac death
We understand your loss and pain.
>This shouldn't have happened.  No vaccine should be allowed on the market
>that can do this to an animal.  I am angry.  Not at the vets, but at the
>vaccine and the reaction.  This should NOT have happened.
All vaccines for all animals including human vaccines can cause reactions.
People, ferrets, cats and dogs die from vaccines every year.  Some folks
associate SIDS with vaccinations.  Just do a web search and you'll get
But the hope is that far far fewer die from reactions than would die from
the diseases without vaccinations.
>From:    Anne Ryan <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Baby ferret in trap, Ketamine, ECE, NJ Vet
>I guess my point is that all that is green is not ECE, and
>anything which runs its course in 2-3 days is probably not ECE.
Doesn't match our experience.  Many of us who got ECE hits did have the
2 to 3 day recuperation.  We got our exposure from one of the early
"sources" several years ago.
>From:    Edward Lipinski <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Y2K and its Possible Affects on Ferret Shelters?
>This is coming more into focus as we approach closer to it.  As
>you may know, Y2K stands for Year 2K or 2,000.
>Is it important?  It may very well be, because its effect on ferret
>shelters may mean the possible death of all of the ferrets in shelters.
>Is this sensationalism and prophesizing doom and gloom?  Yep, on both
We'll agree with the sensationalism bit.  As a computer professional bill
will actually go on records and state that the actual expected deaths of
ferrets in shelters, at breeders or in the home due to the Y2K problem
will be precisely - zero.  The details are long and tedious for most so
none will be provided here beyond.  Y2K applies only to programs written
(mostly) long ago for computer systems that are not suitable for home,
breeder or shelter use.  If you want an explantion write us direct but
expect a long dull dry response.  The facts are boring unlike the hype.
Y2K is a hype problem mostly and a good racket for contract engineers that
know COBOL.  Your home PC will NOT have a Y2K problem.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
mailto:[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2366]