It sounds like you're in quite a predicament with your lil guy.  This may
seem like a crazy idea under the circumstances, but have you considered
getting him a playmate and perhaps a bigger cage to keep him company and
occupy his time?  Ferts need stimuli.  Without it, there's all this wasted
energy, both physical and intellectual.  It sounds correct your assessment
of his seemingly out-of-the-ordinary behavior.  He was getting used to
having playtime, and is now angry about being locked up so much.  I know I
would be too.  Just think how you might react if someone did that to you.
Not that it's your fault, of course.  Getting creative and pleading upon
the sympathies of your sister might have to do the trick.  Try to give
Furlow as much play time as possible.  Shower him with love and affection
(if he allows that of course <G> ).  Best of luck!
Laura, Queen Zen, Queen Bu
[Posted in FML issue 2365]