Hi to all the ferret people, Just wanted to share my excitement over the new
addition to our family, now 4 ferts.  His name is Stephan, a MF albino about
4 months old and ever so fuzzy.  The others have accepted him easily into
the group, Jacob, Franklin, and GiGi
All is working out great with our new condo, thanks to suggestions from the
I have finally located a store that sells play sand and plan to put some in
one of those hard plastic kid's pools for some summer fun with the ferret
family.  Should be a Kodak moment.  Signing off now, but before I go must
give much praise and respect to all those out there who work so hard
maintaining the shelters.  I hate to think what would happen if you weren't
there for the lost and the sick.  Now that I received the list of shelters,
I am much more aware of how many there are and how great the need for
support is.  I agree that it would be so helpful if a number of the FML
readers selected from the list and helped a bit if possible.
Bye from Boston, Jake, Gi, Frankie, and Stephan
[Posted in FML issue 2364]