Glenn Johnson wrote:
>>If you can silence every opinion that you don't want to hear, your forum
>>is no longer a forum.  It's just a propaganda machine, tailored to your
>No matter how many times I read this, I still find nothing in it that
>implies that the FML is a propaganda machine.  It was clearly meant for
>that those who think they can intimidate non-conformers into silence with
>derogatory labels such as whiners, bitchers, harpers and bashers.  It simply
>posed a scenario and the obvious result.  No need to try to create an issue
>when there is none.
It wasn't part of your sig file - at least not as far as I can tell.  So
that means it was part of your Marshall Farms post.  If the quote in
question has nothing to do with the FML, as you have just said, then why
was it included in your post?
If I misinterpreted that it was directed at the FML in general (moderators
or posters), I apologize - but I sincerely don't see how else your quote
could have been interpreted given its context.
Zen writes:
>Hmm... Lessee... Marshall Pets for one.  Those ferret folks closest to
>Marshall physically that actually have a chance of knowing more about whats
>going on there (Kim would fit into this group).
I have no agenda when it comes to Marshall Farms.  If I do have any agenda,
it is only to see unbiased and factual information about MF posted here.
Nothing more, nothing less.  Please know that if I saw anything in the local
news concerning MF, I'd be the first to post it here - whether it be good or
bad news.  (The news people around here love the animal stories - especially
the bad ones.) I'd even pass along things that came to me via a second hand
source - properly noted of course.
But in the 5-6 years of being sensitive to any mention of ferrets, I have
not once heard on the news or second hand any mention of Marshalls.  Heck,
the recent fire wasn't even "big enough news" to make it to the tv news or
Rochester papers (that I saw at least).  Unfortunately burning barns and
animals lost in them are not exactly unknown in rural areas.  My uncle was a
volunteer fireman for years in a fire company in Wayne county (one too far
from Marshall's to have responded to that fire).  He was also the fire chief
for the same company for many years.  Stories of barns burning with animals
inside were horrific but not unknown.  (A particularly near by barn fire
where animals were lost that happened during my childhood haunts me to this
day.) Even though horrible, these fires aren't generally "newsworthy".
However should even a fraction of the MF abuses claimed by some here and
elsewhere ever be proved valid, I *will* hear about it in the news and I
will be sure to pass it along.  Those sorts of abuses, unlike a burnt barn,
would be considered newsworthy.
-kim, squirt (ferretting out the truth), pippi (digging up a story), atlas
 (huh?), and jinx (interogating...uhhh...questioning witnesses)
Kimberly Burkard     |             _    Everything I needed to know in life,
Eastman Kodak Company|      _____C .._. I learned from my ferret:
Rochester, New York  | ____/     \___/  Frolic and dance for joy often, have
[log in to unmask]    |<____/\_---\_\    no fear or worries, and enjoy life.
[Posted in FML issue 2364]