Ann Gruden, President of FACT, asked me to post this update on Mira, the
ferret who was stepped on and had bleach spilled on her.
"To all Mira's friends:
Our apologies for the delay in updating you all on Mira's progress - but
we wanted to have substantive news for you all.  And we are happy to
report that Mira has had her first surgery to improve her mobility!
We have taken some photos - post-op - and will be posting as soon as I can
get some extra time to do some photo work and prepare and update for the
website.  But, in short - she is healing wonderfully and doing fine!  But
the bvery best news is that she is able to use her legs about 35 to 40%
better than before!!!  While she is not at the point that she can -leap-
anywhere, she now can "bridge" a 2 or 3 inch space (like between a chair and
the couch) which NEVER was possible for her before!  And, she can now climb
onto a short bench - again a totally new feat for the little kid.  We'll let
you know when further information and, more importantly, her new pics are up
on our web-site.
On behalf of her supporters and well-wishers, Mira sends sloppy ferret
nips and kisses."
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[Posted in FML issue 2364]