Firstly, thanks to everybody who gave me ideas on toys.  I have also used
an old fleece coat to make a tent.  I have a tea chest full of shredded
paper and their favourite game is to go search the ball I coat with
ferretone and drop in every day.  They both told me how annoyed they were
when I forgot to put the ball in one day.  There is a sad lack of stuff in
Scotland for ferrets.
Wireproofed all my plants and am in the process of creating an outdoor play
area from a large chest of drawers.  Rosie and baby Warhol met each other
to play for a little while a fortnight ago and the next day Rosie was
scratching at the front of her crate for Warhol to come -play again.
Brooding like an anxious hen I put Warhol in with her and then had great
fun.  I went to get him out later and Rosie was not having any of it.  She
pushed him into her house and stood guard.  Okay we'll try it.  I got up
several times during the night expecting to see blood and fur but found
silence.  In the morning Rosie was sleeping in Warhols play tube and Warhol
in Rosies hammock.  They've been together ever since and seem like twins
although Rosie is twice Warhols size.
Rosie has already taught Warhol several naughties and they have great fun
looking at me when they do them!
[Posted in FML issue 2363]