Please forgive the remedial nature of this e-mail but you folks are such an
awesome resource, I cannot resist seeking some basic information.  This
information is being sought for two irresistibly beautiful ferrets --
Millie Grace (a year and a half old female) and Fee (an almost a year old
(1) Ear cleaning -- we desperately need a less traumatic way to get these
little ears clean!  I currently use a Q-tip dipped in sweet oil but Fee and
Millie HATE this and ear cleaning is only accomplished by overpowering the
poor little fuzzies (a feat only forgiven with lots of post-cleaning
treats).  I will not use the commercial chemical ear wash products and
treats are no distraction (not even Ferretone).  Any suggestions?
(2) Ferret knowledgeable vet -- my significant other and I recently
relocated to Hoboken, New Jersey from Massachusetts, Our awesome vet in
Massachusetts could only recommend vets in NYC, which is convenient in
distance but not practical since the only reasonable access is public
transportation.  Any ferret knowledgeable vet in our area?
(3) Staying cool without air conditioning -- while the temperatures here
don't tend to be life threatening for the ferrets, they are miserable when
it gets hot (aren't we all)!  They won't go near a water bottle filled with
cool water (even wrapped in their ferret-smelly blanket), they aren't fond
of the tub filled with water (Fee was actually angry with me for tricking
him to go after is toy floating in the water -- he's a big ninny), and they
don't really like the fan pointed on them, even on the lowest setting.  Any
other ideas?
Fee and Millie thank you all for the priceless information you have given
on the FML and beg you to help me with this other stuff (I swear that they
have threatened to runaway and live with the neighborhood alley cat they
see out the window if I don't shape up!).  Thanks in advance for your help!
Melissa and Kevin (the humans) and
Fee and Millie Grace (the higher species)
[Posted in FML issue 2363]