Hi!  I am delurking to ask a question about my ferret Snickers.  He is a 2
year MF (of course) gib showing the characteristic pattern of hair loss seen
in adrenal disease.  My vet sent a blood sample out for the University of
Tennessee Ferret Adrenal Panel so hopefully I will have some sort of answer
in a couple of weeks.  My vet has given me an estimate for adrenal surgery
of about $450.00.  Does anyone in my area (Madison WI) know if this is a
standard rate or does anyone know of a vet in the area who will do it for
less?  I don't want to skimp on my ferret's care and if this is standard I
will pay for it.  However, all of you can understand doing a little
competitive price checking for this kind of expenditure.Any info would be
appreciated.  You can respond to me personally at [log in to unmask]  in
order to conserve bandwidth on the FML.
Linda Langve
[Posted in FML issue 2363]