I found something out today that I thought was interesting.
I always stay at the vets office when going for the rabies and distemper
just in case of a reaction.  Well, today my husband took one of our foster
fuzzies, Taz for his shots, stayed about 30 mins just in case.  This was at
3:00 and then tonight about 8:00 Taz started vomiting and crying.  Thank
heaven we were right here.  HIs gums turned white and we called the vet
right away.  (great vet called him at home) We gave Taz benedryl and held
him till the color came back and he went to sleep without any more vomiting.
I thought that if any thing were going to happen it would have been much
sooner than five hours.  So just a word to the wise keep a look out when
you take your ferrets for their shots.
Love and fuzzie kisses
Penny and the group of eight
[Posted in FML issue 2363]