Hi all-
Thanks to Debbie Kemmerer for her info on ISO and Kemamine.  Good response
to the debate, and nice to see a vet participate!
Heather, like everyone else, I eventually had to attach my litterbox
permanently to the cage so Jasper wouldn't tip it over (he's usually so
calm, who woulda thought?).  However, attaching the litterbox permanently
is a real pain, cause how do you clean it?  A piece of advice that saved my
skin was to buy a second litterbox, exactly the same size, and place
*inside* the attached one.  It stays in place, but slips out for easy
cleaning.  It works so well I can't believe I didn't do it sooner!
I, too, took my ferrets out in public for Canada Day.  I went to Ambleside
park near the beach in West Vancouver, where they allow animals of all
kinds.  Let's see, my ferrets got called: mice, guinea pigs, kittens,
weasels, and some more I can't think of.  I played proper ferret ambassador
and gave out as much info as people wanted, let kids hold mellow Jasper, and
answered all the typical questions.  People with dogs were amazed that the
dogs were so cautious and scared (a typical response, for some reason).  One
cocker spaniel came bounding up to the cage, tail wagging.  Her owner
explained that the dog's best friend had been a *hooded rat*, and that Molly
just wanted to play.  Sure enough, poor Jasper got hauled out of the safety
cage and Molly was enthralled.  She just stood there, thrilled to death,
while Jasper ignored her and snuffled in the sand.  She gently put her paw
on his back, once or twice, obviously wanting to play, but Jasper still
ignored her.  I couldn't believe it.  I woulda pulled out Taz or my demon
Baxter, but I wouldn't trust them not to nip that sweet dog on the nose.
Molly stayed for at least 1/2 hour or more, just sitting and watching the
ferrets sleep.  What a great puppy.
It was baby Baxter's first day out in public, exploring the great unknown.
He was a little "squirrley", for some reason.  I led him down to the ocean
(which he didn't like), and he trotted over to the mussel-covered rocks,
which he *loved*.  He found a little hidey-hole that sent him over the edge.
He tried backing into the rocks a couple of times, but when I wouldn't give
him carte blanche to just disappear inside the rocks, he turned and SCREAMED
at me!  The whole beach turned and stared.  Simulateously I thought: "the
mussels have cut up his paws and he's in pain", "something's dragging him
into the cave and he's scared", "stubborn, demanding little demon", and
"great PR for ferrets, Baxter, thanks alot".  I took his leash and pulled
him up and out of the rocks, hanging from the harness (he was in biting
mode).  He was totally fine (not even a puffed tail), just very, very angry
that he hadn't got his own way.  I gently lowered him to the sand, whereupon
he turned to look up at me and SCREAMED again!!!!  Ear-piercing,
heart-stopping: need I say, the crowd was silent.  Gathering courage with a
weak smile to all onlookers, I scooped him up in my arms- no bites, yeah!!-
and walked briskly back to the safety cage.  Can anyone say "strong-willed
I have two other ferrets, and I've only heard one of them scream *once* in
the 3 years I've had them.  I'm still adjusting to how vocal this little
guy is.
He's been a little more aggressive the last week or so, could it be that
he's in the 5-6 month adolescent stage?  He's nuetered, but I assume he will
still experience some of the hormonal adjustments sexual maturity brings.
Lastly, as soon as Craig and I had set out the blanket and let the ferrets
out to play, the first black crow flew up cawing, hovering over the cage,
and calling all his friends.  In a matter of minutes, we had about a dozen
of them circling, cawing, and swooping for a closer look.  Craig picked up a
few rocks and sent the crows back to watching quietly from the trees nearby.
We've noticed the same reaction whenever we're outside with them.  One time,
Taz even got circled by crows who were closing in on her!  Anyone understand
that at all?
A longer post than normal.  Oops. :-)
Ariel and her fesnyng
[Posted in FML issue 2362]