Well, I knew I was going out on a limb by not researching my comments about
PCP and ketamine :)
Thanks for correcting me!
HOWEVER, I *still* prefer Iso and so does my vet.
Debbie Riccio
[Moderator's note: Well, maybe it's not related to PCP (I don't know), but
ketamine *is* used recreationally.  The effect on people seems to be more
or less one of paralysis -- I'm told there is an awareness of what is going
on but an inability to do anything about it.  That sounds positively awful
if animals perceive it the same way -- imagine realizing you are being cut
with a knife but being unable to respond!  (Hopefully, since it's usually
used in combination with other things the cocktail prevents that effect?
Anyone have any studies to back that up?)  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2362]