My name is Marion.  I am from Ottawa, and I have 5 fuzzies.  (what happened
to stopping at two??) I also have two cats.  Recently, I acquired another
one (a month ago, which made the 5th).  I rescued him from a pet store.  He
had been caged for about 4.5 months and was a really bad biter.  He drew
blood every time I picked him up.  Well, needless to say, it broke my heart
when I realized this little guy was not going to be bought because of his
"charming" behaviour.  So, off I go with Indy 500, Indy for short, to my
His biting has improved so much in the last month it is amazing.  He still
bites, (last night he bit my armpit - ouch!!) but there is no blood and he
doesn't bite when I pick him up anymore either.  Slowly, he is becoming a
charming beautiful baby fert!  He is dark and light grey and white.
Absolutely beautiful colouring.
Here is my funny story:
Indy loves to run up and down my hallway (hardwood floors) and loves to
chase the cats.  JD is pretty laid back and will just jump on the window
ledge when he gets fed up.  Oscar on the hand - read on....
Oscar is crashed out on the floor and his tail is slowly flicking up and
down, up and down, for those of you that own cats, you know exactly what I
mean - complete relaxtion, utter peace ... until out of the corner of his
eye, Indy sees that tail move ... slowly, slowly, he slides along on his
tummy, tail wagging side to side (first time I saw that I just about died,
it is soooo cute!!) then he leaps, latches on to Oscar's tail in his mouth.
At this point, Oscar freaks out, runs down the hallway, with Indy still
holding on to his tail for dear life, bounce, bounce, bouce, Indy down the
hallway!  Then Oscar, realizing that Indy is NOT going to let go of his
prize, stops, turns around and swats Indy on the head, and sends him sailing
down the hallway!!  Indy stops, shakes his head, looks at the cat and takes
off after him again!!
I just about peed my pants laughing at those two, it was absolutely
For those of you who are concerned, my cats are not declawed, but there
claws are never out when they swat the ferts.  They seem to know that all
it takes is a swat and they will go away!!
Anyway, there is my funny story, and I hope all is well with everyone.
Take care,
[Posted in FML issue 2362]