Well in the past week, we have become the proud owners of two really
gigantic ferrets...err umm, siberian huskies.  We adopted a 4 year old
female, and then our vet (who has us on a unwanted ferret and Husky contact
list) notified us of a woman who was getting rid of her 7 mo old Siberian.
So now, we have two!  And (of course) I just had to sign up for a siberian
mailing list (they are much tamer than FMLer's, they dont sign their posts
with little comments from their huskies) The siberian folk have already
teased me about getting two in one week.  I told them, "I've came down with
ferret math before, wouldn't surprise me in the least if I have siberian
math!" (they probably think I am nuts) But, all in all, they do quite well
with the ferrets.  Belle, the oldest siberian, is totally disinterested in
them.  She has chosen her spot, right in front of their cage (and also in
front of the AC) and doesn't even look at them when they tug on her fur
through the bars.  I carry Gypsy around with me alot during the day (he
likes me to dance with him) and she just looks at me weird.  She seems to
have little or no kill instinct, as I have been warned that most huskies
have.  But I still ain't gonna risk it.  The 7 mo, Sasha, however, is
obsessed with the ferrets.  She licks the cage and woo's and howls at them.
Her, I do not trust even alone with them in the cage.  And my fuzzies!  Oh
my horrible, rotten little fuzzies!  They tempt and taunt her all they can.
I had to laugh when Sasha was busy licking the cage down and Shandy got a
hold of her tounge and tried to run off with it.  My gang can be quite
ornrey when they wanna be.
One thing that really bummed me out, I was reading a post on the sibe list
about how to deal with huskies trying to kill things, and there was one post
about how this male "never tried to kill anything" except for a kitten and
a pet ferret, but it was under supervision, with "they can be so fast" in
parenthesis.  ARRRGGGHH!!!  I love animals, dont get me wrong, but I told
Belle and Sasha right off the bat...."See, you are my dogs, but THESE are my
babies!" (then I coated their cage with bitter apple) :-) (great deterent
for ferrets and huskies alike!)
[Posted in FML issue 2362]