A rose by any other name would still smell like a ferret.Sorry,Will.Here are
a few names for those of you experiencing ferret math,and I don't think
there is a cure.The good news is you usually survive,but not necessarily in
one piece.Hope all the Fla.  people are doing alright.(I was born there.)Our
fires here are still in the wilderness.Now,the names the thing.
Gil de Ferret-for that fast fella
Hob Hope-for the jokester
Hob Roy-a Scottish fellow
Hobert Redfert-the romantic guy
Hobert de Niro-the serious one
Hobbit-the cute little guy
Weasel Zappa-you decide
Ferret Fawcet-No brains or a blond
Jill Tailor-cute,but smart
Jill Gates-a rich or computer savy ferret
Jilly Willy-cute and cold (okay,you think of one)
Jill St.Fert-the coy girl
Okay quit groaning and send me your silly ferret names for the list.
Snuggle those fuzzies.Fuzzy wuzzy was a ferret.A fuzzy ferret was he,
til he met the barber of seville.
 Sandy(Why are you shaking your heads?)
 Valentine(I can read.)
 Jasmine(I'm glad I was named before now.)
 Taz(I don't Know.)
[Posted in FML issue 2359]