Hey guys!  I need some advice please.  I noticed this evening that my ferret
Merlin has something wrong with his right eye.  He is an albino, so the rim
around his eye is normally pink, of course, but tonight I noticed around his
right eye the rim was really red.  It doesn't seem to be bothering him, and
there is no swelling or discharge as of yet.  There does not appear to be
any scrapes or cuts near his eye.  Nothing new has been added to his diet
or environment *except*- I did sprinkle some black pepper around the door
today because McKyle was digging at the carpet.  Could this have irritated
his eye?  McKyle has no symptoms, though, and he was the one doing the
digging.  I am really worried.  I don't know if my vet will be in tomorrow
(the 4th), and we have to go out of town tomorrow evening.  I am taking the
ferrets with, of course, but I don't know any vets where we're going.  I
seriously doubt there are any ferret vets there, especially.  Please e-mail
me right away if you have any helpful info!  I will be checking my e-mail
periodically.  Thanks in advance!
Rachelle Tuvell
Merlin & McKyle
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[Posted in FML issue 2359]