Hi ya FML ;o)
Ferris sends ya BIG WET COOOOOOL Kisses!
Just HAD to clarify this a bit here ...
>From:    Anne Ryan <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Canadian Exchange Rate (was A/C)
>Deba writes:
>> We get the cost of our rent, plus an allowance of a meager $300.00
>> a month (canadian$), that's about $75.00 (USA$)
> Actually, your stipend is worth about $230 per month USD.
Actually, the figure was really meant as a "rough" estimate all round!
BUT I wasn't just referring to the actual exchange rate,(which just FYI
IS at our town's post office today, in purchasing an "US $$ money order"
costing exactly 43%, which means more precisely each US dollar is going
to cost me an additional 0.43 canadian money to buy, thus by the same
token, if I happen to have an american dollar to spend here, it's worth
an extra 0.43 too, I wish, and if I were to head south of the border to
shop with my Canadian money each dollar would only be worth 0.57 there.
Which therefore means that my 300.00 is worth exactly 171.00 USD today!
However, when you also consider the incredible difference in the cost of
living between here and there additionally, (as in fact I had been doing
in my post), you find the "value" of that 171.00 is indeed about 75.00,
for example, here we pay $3.99 for a pound of bacon, and $9.49 for a
750gram packaged ham, not to mention, paying exactly $51.87 (incl taxes)
for a 20 lb. sack of IAMS kitten food for Ferris!  As ya can imagine my
$171.00 doesn't stretch very far at all here in Canada, and certainly it
won't go far enough for me to be able to afford luxuries like A/C ;o)
>[Moderator's note: based on today's median exchange rate(i.e. average
>of interbank buy/sell rates), I'd say it's about 200 USD, but I think
>we all got the point her income was fixed and not all that high. BIG]
And THANKS BIG, that was indeed my very point! As well as that, I'm sure
I'm NOT the only person to live on a "meager fixed income", or who can't
afford luxury like A/C, whether in Canada, in the USA, or worldwide. ;o)
And BTW, on a MUCH lighter note, I saw a program the other night on the
"discovery" channel, all about a "wild ferret cousin" the "honey badger"
of Africa, they are quite something in themselves, BUT what stood out to
me as I watched, and gave me cause for a good laugh, was their absolute
"stubborn streak"!  Boy oh boy, talk'n bout persistent, I couldn't help
but think to myself that my darling little Ferris definetly comes by his
own little stubborn streak naturally by the looks of it!  Now I figure he
really isn't too persistent at all, comparatively!  Ya gotta luv 'em ;O)
Ferris "What ya mean NO!? What ya mean NO!? What ya mean NO!? ..."
and his mom
Deba Brezden
[Posted in FML issue 2386]