(Continued from Buddy's Story: part 6 ...)
Jeffery was so proud of himself.  He had opened and closed his cage door all
by himself.  He just couldn't wait to tell Cleo.  He looked around the room
and but Cleo was no where to be seen.  He just had to tell someone right
now!  He couldn't contain his excitement.  He wondered to himself if he
could use his ESP to communicate with Cleo even though they weren't in the
same room.  He decided to find out.  He figured that since Cleo was not in
the same room that he was going to have to "think" really loud.  So he
prepared himself and then as loud as he could think he said "Hey, Cleo!" He
suddenly heard a loud "thunk" from the next room.
"What in the world was that?", Jeffery wondered.  After a few seconds Cleo
came staggering through the doorway that led to the other room.  She walked
to the middle of the room, shook his head, and then stretched out her front
paws and yawned.  She sat there for a minute and then walked over to the
cage and plopped down in front of Jeffery.
"Ya know," said Cleo, "a strange thing just happened.  I was taking a
wonderful nap on the window seal in the other room there.  I was having a
great dream.  I have dreamed about this one bird that is always pestering
me and whenever I try to catch it, I just miss it.  In the dream I was just
having I had finally caught the bird.  I had opened my jaws and was just
about to have dinner when the bird looked at me and yelled, "Hey, Cleo!" It
scared me so bad that I jumped about two feet.  I then realized two
interesting facts in the next split second.  First I realized that I was no
longer dreaming and the second thing I realized was that I was no longer in
contact with anything solid.  Let me tell you that is a very interesting
position to find oneself.  So I did what came naturally.  I fell.  Hitting
the carpet did a lot to confirm the fact that I was indeed awake.  I figured
that since you have a habit of yelling at me when I least expect it, that it
must have been you that yelled at me.  So, what do you want?"
Jeffery wondered if he should pretend to have no idea what Cleo was talking
about but the excitement of his latest accomplishment was too much.
"I am sorry for scaring you again.  I thought that since you were in another
room that I would have to think louder."
"Well, at least we now know that is not the case," replied Cleo.  "So, here
I am.  What did you want?"
Jeffery decided that showing Cleo his new skill was much better then telling
her.  He stood up and held onto the side of the cage.  He was careful this
time not to lean too much on the door.  He put his paw through the cage and
carefully unlocked the door.  He then pushed the door open stepped out of
the cage.  For a few seconds Cleo stood there dumbfounded.  She then watched
as Jeffery entered the cage and locked the door.
"Wow," said Cleo.  "That is awesome!"
"Thanks, and that is not all.  I also just figured out how I am going to get
to the raisins but I am going to need your help.  Here's the plan ... "
(To be continued ... )
Jason, Sammy, Doris, and Buddy
ICQ # 7528859 (Sammy's Dad)
ICQ - www.icq.com
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[Posted in FML issue 2386]