Okay, someone threw out one of thsoe beaded car seats so I rescued it from
the paper section of the recycling shed and would like to use the beads to
make a half-curtain for the back bathroom because then when we have a ferret
in there (with a barrier up on the bottom) we can also get some privacy to
use it for its constructed fashion without having to move huge numbers of
things to get to the door.  Does anyone know if these beads are treated with
anything nasty for ferrets?  A few climb well enough that they can get on
neighboring items and play with the beads.
Margie, I'm glad the gingko was sealed well enough that the ferrets couldn't
get it.  It appears to act as mild anti-coagulant from some recent things
I've read (which also said that it helps those with exists circulatory
disease causing impairment but has a placebo effect on others), and a person
doesn't want ferret getting a blood thinner except in the rare cases in
which it is needed.  Which leads to my next question:
Is that stuff safe for ferrets?  If it is it might be a good alternative for
those rare individuals which throw clots and don't tolerate aspirin.  Vets?
Ulrike,  there are hundreds of forms of cancer, and the term also winds up
misapplied (way, way too often) to other things.  A lot of folks here call
anything which has a tumor "cancer" and that's not the case.  In Angel's
case she would have had something quite different from the typical
pancreatic growths people talk about normally.
Ah, we wan to eventually have a retirement home with special ferret things
so envy you, Richard.  Here are some things we eventually want: tunnels
between rooms (accessible from top hatches, and with plexiglass sides in
case a ferret gets sick and hides in there, or in case one uses it for a
bathroom) a special ferret safe outdoor kennel accessible from the tunnel
system, a special ferret area off a den with waist high sides so we can
watch them and double doors (storage areas inside the barrier would hold
most ferret supplies), plexiglass windows to the den (so they can watch us),
low windows to outside so they can look out, higher windows with screens so
they can get air exchange, any power plugs set up high, a wash tub, tile
floor with a drain which is inside a cabinet like structure or other
protective structure so we can easily clean the floor but the ferret will
not wind up trying to get in the drain.  We'd also put some cages in there
for emergency room leaving, shelters, places to hang hammocks, etc.  but
most of the time they'd have their doors open.  That's a long way off,
[Posted in FML issue 2386]