Hello once again.  This moving thing seems to have sparked quite a few
questions from me.  I was wondering if anybody knew much about the toxicity
of pest control sprays.  The house we are moving into apperantly has bugs,
as the landlord informed us yesterday.  He said the house is being sprayed
once a month to cure the problem.  My question is if I just tell the pest
control workers that we have ferrets will they use pet friendly sprays....
that is if the exist.  Our fuzzies usually have free run of the house, minus
the kitchen area.  Of course once we all get moved in, they will have
limited run until we assure all escape routes and danges have been taken
care of.
Are there any certain insecticides I should ask them to not use?  Is there a
certain # of hours after spraying the ferrets should be left in the cage?
Are the pest control workers going to know if what they are using will harm
ferrets and will they even care?  We did stop by the house today and it was
just sprayed and the fumes were quite strong.  Of course the landlord told
them to spray heavily this time since we were in the process of moving in.
Any advice is greatly appreciated, I've never had to worry about this sort
of thing before.
On another note, I had posted about the girls picking on Fidgit.  They have
been sleeping together a little more often.  Fidgit doesn't always get to
snuggle with them but at least he is allowed on the same floor.  I was
wondering what type of carpeting people used in their cages.  We bought
some short fiber carpet that seemed to me a safe carpet.  Fidgit got a nail
snagged in it tonite however.  Should I remove the carpet and replace it
with something differemt such as linoleum?  After I filed his nails down a
little though they seemed to be fine on the carpet.
I was looking to make/buy a gate to block off the kitchen to our house.
Somebody mentioned making one of plexiglass how would I actually make this
work?  Meaning how do I attach it to the wall, so we can still walk through
with some ease.  Or any other ideas for gates would be appreciated.
Thanks so much in advance, you people have helped a lot in the past.
Alicia, Skot, Tasia and the 3 fuzzies...Fidgit, Ferrial, and Charmaine.
[Posted in FML issue 2386]