Hi, I'm new to the whole ferret scene, and this is my first posting on here.
(I don't even think I've sent it right, but I guess I cant get anywhere
without trying).
I recently (a few days ago) bought a male ferret kit from a petstore.  He's
7 weeks old and has been de-sexed and de-scented.
He has a large cage with food/water/bed/littertray in which he is kept
during the weekdays (while I'm at school) and at night (when I'm asleep).
He runs free (around my room, for now) the rest of the time.
The thing is, he's happy enough just running round, but doesn't eem to like
being interfered with at all.  I think I am doing something wrong, but I'm
not sure what.  I try playing with him and talking to him, and I am trying
to be gentle and stuff (I read in a book your supposed to have a thumb and
third finger under each foreleg and second finger under chin, but I just
don't seem to be able to pick him up this way).
I'm not really too sure about all this, am I doing something wrong, or is it
just a matter of him taking a while to settle in?  Because I do want him to
be happy and friendly, and I have some nasty bites on my hands...
Sorry this is a bit long winded, but I am worried I'm doing something wrong
and hurting/frightening him in some way, and I would like him to grow up
Help would be tres appreciated...
- Reet
[Posted in FML issue 2384]