I agree with Ms. Moore, however have something to add.
Marshall Farms IS a business and they are acting like one.  I would much
rather buy my pet pre-fixed/descented rather than spend about half a grand
doing so. (most vets around me are very costly).  In fact, if any of us had
business doing what Marshall Farms does (cost-efficient ferret breeding and
vending), we would do the same things to cut costs, thereby increasing
Ms. Moore also says ferrets should be taken care of, no matter what the
cost.  I also agree with that.  HOWEVER...Marshall Farms doesn't (to an
extent, at least).  If allegations are true (which we can't yet prove
because they are just allegations), then they are guilty of animal cruelty.
They allegedly raise beagles and ferrets in lab conditions so that they may
be sold to labs without much fuss.  I wish I could provide the web address
to back me up but I couldn't find it.  If you search Yahoo under Marsall
Farms...something should come up.  I've tried, but failed to locate it.  But
what I read really startled me.
This alone would give me reason to consider a Marshall Farms ferret.  If
consumer sales increase significantly, maybe this would inadvertantly affect
lab/research sales to an extent.  We can all do our part.  If we could let
all the voices and dooks be heard, Marshall Farms might just listen and
think about it.  That's all we can ask for.
That's another thing.  That's what the FML is for.  For voices and dooks to
be heard.  I'm relatively new, and when I first joined, I was like..."Yes.
Finally some email that I wouldn't mind reading".  Now half the email is not
about ferrets, but idignant people.  Let's bring the fuzzies back!  :)
[Posted in FML issue 2382]