Rcv'd today from Ray Saporito, County Health Commissioner, Ashtabula: "Be
advised that this office stands corrected with regard to confinement of
biting ferrets.  Due to revisions found in the Rabies Compendium, this
department will confine ferrets for 10 days..."
Okay, now I KNOW I am being teased.  Peabody in Harvard, my foot!  No,
you'll never find Yale; no, you'll never find Yale -- if 'round M A you
set sail.  You can ride forever on the streets of Boston, but in "Mass"
you'll never find Yale.  (For those you don't recall the plight of the
Boston subway rider song this will be tuneless.) Hey, I may be getting
senile, but I DO recall the MCZ, and I even know people there and at YPM;
lets' see there's -- errrrrr, well, there's -- mmmmmmmm.  Oh, well, you
know I'm not senile, right?  Right?  RIGHT??????!!
Aimee, enormous chunks of pure tripe have been passed off as ferret genetics
in the last ten years (sort of like some of the "behavioral" stuff <G> --
the kind of things which make people who actually have studied even just
some genetics want to curl up in a ball and whimper with pain for the ferret
community.  I am very glad to hear that there's FINALLY someone who has
actually studied the subject willing to put together the kind and amount of
information needed to do the topic justice.  (Yes, I HAVE seen what's out
there.  Shudder...)
For 'Choppie earlier this week (with apologies):
Mess Maker, Mess Maker, please, don't refrain.
Please, be a pain; we'll let you reign.
Mess Maker, Mess Maker, please, don't refrain,
and our worries will begin to wane.
Mess Maker, Mess Maker, please, make a mess.
We can atest that's when you feel best.
Mess Maker, Mess Maker, please, make a mess,
and we will then smile and get some rest.
Hope something in here makes someone happy.
[Posted in FML issue 2381]