In early June we brought home a rescue, a 2 year old female sable now known
as The Dutchess of Shandelee.  She was carrying ECE.  Our six ferrets were
hit with the most virulant form of ECE we have ever seen.  Even with the
children being on antibiotics, when their period of treatment was over they
were hit with wicked secondary infections.  They are still recovering at
this point in time.  Demon and Bebe were the last two to start to recover.
Demon took a turn for the worst on Sunday evening, he passed away in my arms
yesterday morning.  He was a 5 year old male albino who was blind, and he
was the only ferret we have that was all mine.  He was my Demon Lover and he
will be sorely missed.  My only consolation is he has joined his brothers
and sisters over the Rainbow Bridge and will suffer no more.  He can finally
dance and play again.
Please say a prayer for his little sister Bebe, I'm afraid she might try to
follow him as they were so close.
   Farewell Demon
from Mikki and Dee and The Wizzlebee Family
Mikki & Dee                       -l-
"Learning To Fly"on Autopilot  -o-(_)-o-  Team AMIGA
[Posted in FML issue 2379]