Moosephat lost a month long battle a few days ago with lymphosarcoma.
Though he was not a resident, he came to represent the California ferret
and we're proud of his message.  Please continue to fight the California
ban in his memory.
In the starry firmament of our mind's eye, a bright light has blinked, faded
and gone out.  But the memory of his blithe spirit will live on in our
hearts as long as we draw breath.  And when we pass through that eternal
curtain that separates life from death, perhaps he will be waiting there to
greet us.  In the meantime we ache for his touch, delight in the
rememberance of his soulful eyes and comical black nose, and cherish all
the joy he brought to our lives each day he was with us.
We love you, Moosephat, and always, always, will.
[Posted in FML issue 2358]