Ah yes back to where it all begins, the name calling and counter name
calling, back and forth until BIG has to cut it off.  If I am a traitor
for loving and caring for two MF ferrets who love me in return then burn
me at the stake.
I have no desire to breed my ferrets, I am quite content with the two that I
have, I am also happy that I didn't have to pay for the surgeries myself, If
I had to of course I would but that adds quite a sum to the initial cost.
I have no knowledge of the goings on at ferret ranches, I live near marshall
farms and am contemplating a trip out there, but I am very afraid of ferret
I think that we as ferret lovers have a responsibility to correct problems
that are within our reach.  To say that if we stop pet stores form selling
kits, ferret ranches will continue to produce at their current levels, and
create more of a population problem is untrue.  The rules of supply and
demand control animal breeding just as they control all markets.  If there
is no market for them, they will not be produced.
We need to start at a grassroots level and make the changes that we can.  I
know I will never buy a pet store ferret, but I will adopt a MF ferret if
there is one available when I am looking again.
Go to your local pet stores give them all the information you can, start
small and work your way up.
Attacking the top first will produce nothing but more frustration and create
rifts between us, the ferret owners.
And then, we see the results and the name calling, and the in fighting
Allright Nuff said
And so it goes
[Posted in FML issue 2378]