I recently got a 2 month old ferret.  "Jitterbug" is very energetic and
loves to play.  Unfortunately, my cocker/lab mix dog "Dixie" has gotten out
of hand with her.  At first it was just friendly play, but sometimes Dixie
starts to put the ferrets head in her mouth, and it scares me.  It is almost
impossible to separate the two for long, since Dixie still thinks that she
is my baby and it is too hot to keep her outside.
What I did do is try to put some bitter apple on Dixie's legs, but she just
tried licking it off which wouldn't be too great for her.  Besides putting
the ferret in a separate room, I would appreciate any advice on how to calm
Dixie down and just keep it at friendly play.
[Posted in FML issue 2378]