We are looking for advice on how to get our latest rescue to eat!  He came
in on Friday, from a family who had to get rid of him because of allergies,
and seems to be fairly healthy.  He is about 3 years old, not a Marshall
Farms ferret, and has been fed dog food, puppy food, and treats!  He doesn't
like Totally Ferret, he doesn't like Mazuri, and we haven't tried the
L'Avian which is the other food that someone gave to us.  He hasn't even
tried to eat the treats that were left with him.  We've been force feeding
him Totally Ferret soup, and Nutrical, but any helpful hints would be
appreciated.  He is a sweet ferret, and we would like to be able to get him
onto some good food!
Sara and Kurt Petersen
FURRY (Ferrets Underfoot Running Round You)
[Posted in FML issue 2375]