I am getting tiny tiny little ants in the ferrets room.  They are coming
from my wood floor.  There room is always kept clean and floor swept and
mopping is done weekly.  But by the time I leave in the morning and a ferret
drops a piece of food when I go to pick up the food there is 50 ants under
it and some straggling in different places.
WHAT CAN I USE?  Ferrets have free roam of this room.  It's just pieces
that is on the floor, the food dish and around it has had no sign of ants.
I tried laying the whole room with newspaper (had to use most of the Sunday
paper) and yet they still did come.
Please Help,
Emily, Shane
Bandit, Tess, and newest Meagan
Bumbles and Pepper (our foster ferrets).
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[Posted in FML issue 2375]