Jason, PLEASE don't stop with those stories!!  Sadly enough, they are the
highlight of my day. :)  I can't wait to read the next one.
BTW, Zen had her staples removed from the surgery to remove the mast cell
tumor.  Vet had results from lab for a week and never called me.  I almost
left the vet's without asking or being told.  (almost forgot).  Went back
in and asked.  Got results.  It said it appeared that whole thing was
taken, but nothing about whether it was malignant or benign so I still
don't know.  yeesh!!  vet tech said she'd leave a note for the vet.  I'm
soooo comforted.  (thick sarcasm).  the wound seems to be healing nicely,
except i can feel a lump underneath it.  can't get to it cause it's all
covered.  scar tissue?  dried blood??  anything to worry about?  Thanks!!
One last thing... about the recliners... I've heard that they're dangerous
cause when you open and close them, if fert is underneath, it can crush
them.  I have a couch with a recliner on each end.  never open the recliners
for that reason but is it still dangerous??  is there something I haven't
thought of?  can they still get hurt???  Do I need to resume sitting on the
floor?  Thank you in advance.
Love and kisses from the Queens and I,
Laura, Zen and Bu
[Posted in FML issue 2375]