Thank you to everyone who gave me suggestions for getting rid of the
earwigs.  I'm hoping maybe they've left on their own.  We were seeing 2 or 3
a day (when we didn't try to see them...) Now, even when looking, we're not
finding them.  I had found several by the ferret cage, but none now.  Maybe
the fact that it hasn't really rained here for over a month has something
to do with it.....
Here's something I haven't seen mentioned here before.  I have a ferret that
may just be wierd.....He loves music!  Not "real" music, but the toys made
for babies and toddlers that play music.  My 3-yr old human child has a
musical merry-go-round and a wind-up play radio.  He just goes nuts for
them!  I have to wind them up for him.  He sits there entranced for a
minute, then tries to figure out how to drag them off.  He tries very hard
to get them under the couch, but hasn't found a way yet.
He, well both of them, really enjoy my daughter's battery-operated "piano"
keyboards too.  They even figured out how to turn them on!  Then they walk
on the keys to get the sounds out.  If the keyboards are in the right mode,
each key will play a song.  That is their favorite!!
They also play the guitar.  Both of them will stand with back feet on the
floor and strum the strings of my daughter's plastic toy guitar!  It makes
for some hilarious pictures!
Kim and The Dynamic Duo
[Posted in FML issue 2373]