Hello everyone!!  I hope you're all doing well.  First of all I'd like to
thank all of you who helped me get through these first few months as a new
ferret mom.  It seemed as if I was posting every other day with a new
problem or question and the response from you guys was just overwhelming.
Thanks again for being there when I needed you!!
For those of you who remember the "no bite" problem we were having I am
happy to report that save for a light pinch during play, we are now bite
free!!  Most of you said that age would take care of alot of that and how
right you were!!  My ferret baby has become one of the sweetest and most
precious creatures I've ever known and I love him dearly.  Which brings me
to this question: Would he be happier if he had a mate to play with?
My husband and I have pondered over this a great deal.  On the one hand we
don't want to have to divide our love between two babies.  This one is most
definitely spoiled rotten and I'm not sure how he'd react to having a
sibling around.  On the other hand, regardless of how we feel we want our
baby to be happy and if it means getting another ferret then so be it.  I
hope this doesn't sound as if we're being selfish.  It's just that we've
grown to love this little fellow so much that we're hesitant to bring in
another baby to "compete for our affections", so to speak.  I suppose the
ultimate question is: Can one ferret be happy by his/herself?  I should also
mention that I am here during the day and he's not alone too awfully much.
And we do play and love alot.  Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
As for the ferret trail, aren't they great!!  We bought a ball and what they
call a tube and a sleeve last night.  Baby is so fascinated with it that he
hasn't left it alone all morning!  He gets in it and rolls around and it's
lots of fun to watch.  From what I can tell, you can add additional tubing
to make it as long as you'd like and can also add another ball or two.  I've
seen them in most pet stores I visited and someone told me you can order
them over the internet.  They're rather expensive when you complete the
entire setup but well worth it when you see your baby frolicking in it!!
Here's hoping all of you have a wonderful ferrety day!!
[Posted in FML issue 2372]