With all the talk about vaccinations going on, I thought this might be a
good time to ask a somewhat related question... How effective are titers
for determining whether a ferret has the appropriate antibody level to
protect against canine distemper?
I ask this because I have many concerns about my "kids" with the potential
side effects associated with overvaccination.  On the other hand, I don't
want them contracting a fatal and easily preventable disease; if titers
have are inaccurate, or if baselines have not been established for ferrets,
I would go the vaccination route.  I want to do what's best for my ferrets--
and want to well-informed decisions in all aspects of their care.
I'd appreciate hearing any information, or receiving any documentation
which might tell me more about this topic.
Thanks in advance!
[Posted in FML issue 2372]