>my vet tech friend was telling some of the people with us that
>they shouldn't vaccinate their dogs any more.  They had older dogs.  She
>explained that once they get that certain amount of vaccine (just like
>people 1 vaccine and 1 booster) they are vaccinated for life.
Hi Beth--
I personally believe that also; I don't vaccinate my older cats past a
certain age (except 3 year rabies); my ferrets are middle age or younger
so I still get regular vaccinations for them.
Vaccines can bring up some strong feelings from people who have very
different philosophies.  The best thing I can suggest is to read up on the
issue and make your own decisions.  Below are some links to holistic health
sites; they may or may not talk about vaccines, but they will give you
plenty of places to start learning about different ways to look at medicine.
I think it's up to each person to make their own well-informed decision.
Best wishes
Ronnie in Massachusetts
(this was posted on the fml, has very good links)
[Posted in FML issue 2372]