In light of the post about feeding ferrets cat food, I would like to add my
opinion.  I, myself, have been guilty of doing it too.  In a pinch, when I
forget to buy more and run out after the pet stores have closed, I have ran
to the all night grocery store and bought a bad of purina kitten chow.
Okay, I know I shouldn't...and I try not to make a habit of forgetting to
purchase ferret food when the stores are open.  And I have had to supplement
with cat food when we were dead broke.  But it never last for long.  One
thing I have noticed is how much kitten food it takes to feed my guys when
they do eat it.  They can easily go through a 5 lb bag in less than a week.
But...when my guys are eating their normal ferret food, a 10 lb bag lasts
well over a month or more.  Now on cat food, that is about 25-30 bucks a
month...and on ferret food, its only 17 a yeah, a bag of ferret
food does cost more than cat food.  But it lasts alot longer, as they dont
eat as much of the ferret food, and they go poddy much less!!!  And I do
mean ALOT less... so I save on litter too!  And...of course, the ferret food
is much better for them!  Now if only they would come up with an all night
pet store...or better yet, if they would start selling ferret food in the
grocery stores!  I would also like to mention that my oldest ferret was fed
happy cat for the first year of his life....he had a horrible coat when we
got him, it was short, wirey and greasy feeling.  After we got him we
switched him to ferret food and now his coat is soft, fluffy and very
pretty.  I can bet the good food made a difference!
[Posted in FML issue 2371]