I have been remiss in my previous post and need to make amends.  :-(
While sending our thanks to all you wonderful FML folks who responded to
Meiko's carrot digestion problem, I overlooked those closest to home--those
most dedicated and diligent ferret servants who helped Rhea, Meiko and, by
extension, our entire family.  Let's hear it, please, for the ferret rescue
parents and helpers in the Jacksonville/north Florida area.  We are indebted
to several people for invaluable assistance.  Two, in particular, went well
beyond the "call of duty" and kept Meiko strong enough, day by day, to get
through her ordeal.  Likewise they kept our family reassured that there were
knowledgeable and loving people out there who would help even in the midst
of their own crises.  (I.e.  Florida fires.)
In our crazy modern world it is too easy to lose sight of community.  We
are as guilty as any family of being so wrapped up in the directions of our
separate lives, that it was astounding to realize how helpful one's friends
and neighbors can be.  It is especially inspiring to realize the love that
travels from all directions to the helpless critters we assume stewardship
for.  Just as *they* cannot survive long or alone in the world *we* have
created, so too we cannot manage to "do it all" or to "fix it all" on our
own.  Jacksonville area ferret folk have provided a humbling refresher
course in this neighborly wisdom.
Just to highlight:
* For a week one particular local volunteer checked in with us and often
accompanied my daughter to both the local shelter director and the vet.
Since this crisis occurred while I was both sick myself and trying to figure
out how to accommodate the demands of a major school board project while
stuck "at home," this physical support and transportation for both Rhea and
Meiko were ever so appreciated.
* This same person lent us the use of her emergency cage and many other
* Both the shelter director and the said volunteer worked with Rhea to
sub-Q Meiko daily as needed.
* They taught methods for safe handling while administering meds as well as
to assist in syringe feeding.
* They were both infinitely generous with their time and materials, weighing
Meiko and checking her overall level of well-being daily.
* They badgered (a good thing ;-) Rhea continuously about stool inspection
so as to track the passing of the carrot, especially after the Vetasyl was
* The shelter director even assisted with our uneasiness about the
possibility of surgery by getting a FAX consult from Dr. K.
* I'm sure there are things I am forgetting here, but you get the idea.
The north Florida ferret lovers, rescuers, "parents" and shelter operator
are the best!!!
These people have all been wonderful, tireless, and totally supportive.  We
love you all and couldn't have gotten through this without you.  If only
_people_ had this kind of support system... Oh well, perhaps by caring first
for the animals that have come to us we can relearn the best qualities of
human community, too.
Our love and gratitude once again,
Kathleen, Rhea and Meiko
[Posted in FML issue 2371]