I think one of the reasons some people assume (incorrectly) that ferrets are
more intelligent than cats or dogs is because they are better at learning
words (if the humans take the time to teach them slowly, repeating and
repeating, and sticking to simple vocabularies and simple sentence
structures), but the fact is that there are many presentations of
intelligence, and vocabulary isn't going to tell much about many of them.
Think of people.  Niki wasn't even going to try to go to graduate school
because she thought that she wasn't smart (because unlike her boyfriend she
isn't good at trivia recollection).  She is excellent at questioning and
investigating, though, so after she applied she found every doctoral program
she applied for wanted her and she decided on Michigan (Ann Arbor).  Each
species and each individual has strengths and weaknesses.  Bob's description
of two ways to investigate and learn is excellent and I hope people take it
into account in the daily behavior of their critters and when training.
One note about the ECE isolation letter: don't be upset with people pointing
out that not everything which is green is ECE.  It's just plain fact.  Also,
not realizing this might kill a ferret since some of the other possible
causes are also potentially very, very dangerous and need to be ruled-out,
or found and treated.
Plastic bags, throw rugs: although it is rare I do recall reading one or two
letters here with a ferret which was smothered in a plastic bag during the
decade; there have also been a few reports of ferrets seriously injured or
killed when crushed while sleeping under throw rugs.  We aren't talking
about the reported hazard level of recliners, doors, rubber stoppers, vinyl
toys, or such but it's good to be aware and use precautions.
[Posted in FML issue 2329]