Dear FML'ers
It was with great sadness that I read the post of Mr. Don Allen on the
tragic loss of his beloved wife and ferrets.  I can only wish him the solace
in the knowledge that there is a place in Heaven for those who take the
responsibility to care for God's creatures here on Earth, his wife is most
certainly one.  I and all of us here on the FML believe in the Rainbow
Bridge and the wonderful promise it holds of our joyful reuniting with those
who have passed before us, it will be fulfilled.
Mr. Allen, I wish you the peace of our Lord in your time of sorrow and know
that we share with you.
Daniel Poryanda
P.S. I believe the reference to F.A.C.T.  is the
Ferret Association of ConnecticuT
16 Sherbrooke Ave.
Hartford, CT 06106
[Posted in FML issue 2342]